Officials at the White House and Democratic Party offices in Connecticut are extremely worried this morning. It seems their candidate for the Senate in Connecticut, state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, hasn't been entirely honest about his military service record. This could come back to haunt both Blumenthal and the national Democratic Party in a big way.
He is still the favorite to win the seat to replace retiring Senator Chris Dodd. But that could change as early as today as the story gains traction. His most likely Republican opponent in the race, Ms. Linda McMahon, the former chief executive of professional wrestling company World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., already has added a tint of the strange to the race given her colorful background appearing on numerous broadcasts of WWE televised events over a stretch of some 30 years. Imagine having a Senator with friends known as the late "Fabulous Moolah" or one time Minnesota Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura, as he was known in his wrestling days. It is quite likely her talent for performing in out-sized fashion before millions of viewers will serve her will as she no doubt pounds Blumenthal for his stretching the truth about his military service at a time when terrorism is on every voters mind. This as she hasn't even won the Republican nomination to run against him. Her lead against her Republican party primary opponent is safe, however, so she can start pummeling Blumenthal now in what is sure to become a mantra like fashion.
Blumenthal exaggerated his military service consistently over much of his political career. He often alluded to his time "in Vietnam during that war", when in fact, he received 5 deferments, then served in the Marine reserves in Washington DC during the time war raged in Vietnam. It sounds disturbingly like the war time service of a certain President from Texas.
The question that I think needs to be asked is why would such an intelligent man continue this exaggeration of his war record in this day and age? Did he truly think this would escape the ever watchful eyes of the party he was running against, a party that prides itself on revealing such military service distortions and lies by their opposition to rile up their base, even in a northeast state like Connecticut? And more simply asked, "What was he thinking"?
It goes even deeper. What were his handlers thinking? Did they not have someone on their own side vet this candidate first to find out what secrets were hiding in Blumenthal's attic ? That is standard operating procedure for an office like US Senator. There obviously are more people involved in this distortion of Blumenthal's military record and because they also knew, that, if you will, is where the true crime lies. It's also where the true anti-Blumenthal propaganda will most effectively come from. Nothing catches the imagination of leery people more than a wholly believable conspiracy theory.They have delivered themselves up on a platter. At this point it is only a question of how feeble the Republican party in Connecticut and Ms. McMahon's people are in making this blunder by Blumenthal stick through the final election. Personally I think such exhibited greedy stupidity on Blumenthal and his handlers part deserves the final fate of having Ms. McMahon stick a fork into his electoral carcass.
The lesson to be learned by all this? If you are running for any office in these days of blogs, Facebook, Twitter, You-Tube, picture and video taking cell phones and media networks stumbling over themselves for the latest juicy gossip, make sure your cupboard is clean and clear from wreckage of the past, or get out in front of it. Americans, no matter what state they inhabit, always treat such truth telling with great understanding and a warm and willing heart. WE are, by nature, a forgiving people and have a soft spot for personal bravery and redemption. However, by the same token, we detest blatant stupidity, especially of the greedy kind borne of personal gain. This, the stupidity, not the personal gain, is what we, as an American culture simply reject out of hand. We like a clever scoundrel, the more clever the better and almost allow thievery by such creative people as if it were earned under the guise of a warped "American Ingenuity". But blatant stupidity compounded by greed is an unforgivable American sin. It's time politicians learn this, or they will cease being active politicians very soon. There are no more secrets for politicians in this hyper media society.
If you had to do it all over again would you?
So, here we are in the final stretch of the recall process. We've gone from
wondering if recall organizers could get enough signatures to wondering if
the ...
10 years ago
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