Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nit Picking

Monkeys and apes are our closest  animal relatives.  And these simian relatives of all types and sizes tend to establish long standing communities designed for joint socialization and mutual protection. Unlike other animals, like cats, for example, simians spend many hours grooming not just themselves or their offspring, but the young of other members and older adults of the clan, often times according to rank as a display of respect. All of this activity is to insure the health and propagation of the community.

When I hear the same cast of local monkeys are involved with the development of property on Fourth Street for a bus terminal I have this mental picture of Ken Fiola picking lice off the head of Will Flanagan, and Atty. Frank doing likewise off the head of Ken Fiola in a demented daisy chain of lice, flea and lint picking euphoria.

 What, do the political powers in this City think so little of the Fall River electorate that they think whatever they do is not discerned by the majority of citizens? Is the state of the Fiscal Year 2011 operating budget so terrible that we must endure these type sideshows to take our attention away from our  cringe worthy financial situation and related poor school performance, which just became worse this week with the news that one of the better Assistant Superintendents in a while left Fall River for the lofty greener pastures of Central Falls , Rhode Island, the very same Central Falls that made national news when it laid off over 400 teachers for poor performance? It makes the mind boggle on how BAD things must be here to drive a person THERE!

Yet, here we go again! Some speculate that the reason for renewed emphasis on a bus terminal is to somehow obtain some measure of success for Ken Fiola of Fall River Office of Economic Development (FROED), a person whose track record of achievement as Executive Vice President of FROED is universally recognized as dubious, at best. In fact, it was Ken Fiola's problematic handling of the original attempt to site the bus terminal at the very same location as this new placement effort that had many screaming for his head on a platter. At issue was the loss of available federal monies because no environmental study was made of the location, with a fear of site cleanup being required because of a history of trucks being previously garaged there. To avoid loosing out on federal funding, new buses were purchased by the Southeast Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) instead.

 This was especially critical with the looming opening of the new Fall River courthouse just a mere 200 yards away from Fourth Street site and no additional parking spaces in the immediate area to meet the obvious resulting demand. Here again, there was a large public outcry against FROED in general, and Mr. Fiola, in particular. In fact, it is the commonly recognized operation of FROED and the Fall River Redevelopment Authority (RA), of which Mr. Fiola works as staff, and the apparent collusion of the Fall River Mayor's Office, that gives Fall River citizens the impression that things are  decided upon by the members of the FROED and RA's Board's and the Mayor, behind closed doors and by use of the telephone, to keep those pesky voters out of the loop.

 Things seem episodic and acute in nature, not planned and publicly discussed well prior to any action. One is left to wonder how many development decisions are being completed between the same influential and powerful monied interests in the City and region with the full cooperation of the same individuals involved in elective office, and in particular, the Mayor's Office or working at the Mayor's behest. The role of FROED and RA Board members are also of grave concern. It defies chance that most, if not all, of the dealings of FROED and the RA seem to be less than arms length transactions. It's of great concern to me and those in this City I know, and it should be of grave concern to you as well.

All of these situations come either directly or indirectly under the control of the Mayor's Office, through direct decision making enabled by City Charter or state law design or by appointment of board members. It is there that the most immediate improvement in a transparent and efficiently planned decision making process lies. But I see little to make me trust the current occupant in the Mayor's Office to make such a heroic change in the ways things are done in Fall River. On the contrary, with all the machinations surrounding the "Destination Casino", Will Flanigan has openly declared himself to be deeply ensconced in the dark side of Fall River politics, the politics of back room dealings, political self aggrandizing influence trading and concern for the narrow interests of self as opposed to the greater good of Fall River citizens.

The lice picking never ends. Ken Fiola, Mayor Flanigan and Senator Menard are marching ever forward to kneecap the proponents of the Bio-Tech Park ( pick, pick, pick) in favor of the Casino. Mayor Correia's former Corporation Counsel, Arthur Frank, now SRTA lawyer, assures everyone that the end of summer purchase date by FROED, Fiola and the Mayor for the new bus terminal site seems very likely (pick, pick, pick). This is a comment from a lawyer who worked for Mayor Correia, a mayor vilified by the new Mayor for having too many attorneys working for too much payroll expense, who himself now employs more lawyers, and spends more on legal expenses than the man he took to task while running for office. I don't call that irony, I call that a lawyers fantasy.

The grooming and picking going on at City Hall and related surroundings goes on at fever pitch. It sometimes reminds me of the simian exhibit at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. I mean the actual zoo, not he Congress of the U.S. Next they'll be swinging on vines and eating bananas, or using small sticks to eat the ants out of their hills. One can only hope they slip on so many banana peels. Eventually they do. It is never pretty.


  1. I believe Arthur Frank was the SRTA attorney the first time they tried this.

  2. Ken Fiola absolutely needs to go. The only comforting factor is the number of people expressing that opinion is growing.

    I'm having a hard time remembering a time when Fiola's personal contract was up for renewal. Who keeps that incompetent fool employed?

  3. Yes to the first statement, I'm afraid. I've never had any use for Frank. He's botched everything he touched for Fall River.

    Fiola? I'm sure his playing for a Skip Karam in high school kept him in his job since day one. He is NOT a talented person, and has only a record of high priced failure.

    Save those nickles and dimes Mr.'re going to need them when the casino goes somewhere else and the so-called monied kingmakers on the FROED Board can you!
